Friday, 21 September 2007
Racing Leathers
A couple of new sets both made in collaberation with Raven Lament, the wonderful propieter of Ravenwear. We are branding them Geometric Raven.
It is your choice of tight fitting racing leathers, or a short dress, cut very very low at the back. Or get both, or all the different colours! Fat packs are 1111 for the sull suit at 777 for the dress. Each item is 222.
For those of you wondering at my pricing. It is just me being an idiot, I thought I would spread the love amoungst different numbers, one price for each product. It is a store with a maths theme after all ;)
Monday, 17 September 2007
Skeleton Latex
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Rule Britannia
Monday, 20 August 2007
Wings update and Climactic stars
A major update to my 7-star wings. Thanks to the work of Amethyst Rosencrans of Sensations they now have even more features including animations and optional particle effects.
If you have them already you should receive your update on their nect rez. If you don't this is a perfect time to get them as for the next three days I will pay back 25% to anyone in the Geometrica Design group who buys them!
If you have Sensations you should also check out my new climactic stars hud, available at Sensations stores. You will see stars when you orgasm!
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Leaves Tattoos
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Harlequin and Elements Latex
Its been a long time since a new product, but I have been busy. The main work has been on two ranges of Latex bodysuits for women. First there are the 13 colours available in Harlequin, and second the 7 multi-coloured designs of elements. With that many colours you are bound to find something you like!
See here a selection of the colours available.
Also a couple of my products will shortly be available through sensations. A hud to make you see stars on orgasm and Amethyst Rosencran's much improved version of my wings script. So look out for those!
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Latex Body Suits
Some more things for men. A latex full body suit, my response to being unable to find one I liked (picture attached). You can get Red, Black, Blue, Gold or green or the full set at just 2 and a half times the price. That is L$394 for one or L$985 for all five.
All are trans so they make great presents for the men in your life ;)
Friday, 13 July 2007
Alienated: Male full body tattoo
Its been a while but here is a new tattoo for men. Inspired by someone who said that the Back Alien Tattoo was quite sith-like, this is a full body design in black or red.
As ever the tattoo appears on all possible levels, so you get Undershirt, shirt and jacket for the top and pants and underpants for the bottom. All for L$267.
Friday, 6 July 2007
Two New designs
Not one but two new designs today!
Firstly for the Wiccan in you "Pentangled" a pentagram based design. Of course to me a pentagram is a mathematical design ;)
Secondly is a choker/collar design "Woven Collar" (not the most orginal name I know ;). It has been described as too pretty for a slave, but it comes ready for the addition of your favourite scripts!
Also we are now part of the great gridwide gold rush, find the lump of gold and win a prize. You then get the location of a new lump of gold and can continue the treasure hunt! For more check out:
geometrica design,
Monday, 2 July 2007
Pear Drop
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Gift Certifcates
The power of giving comes to Geometrica design. You can now purchase gift certificates for our no trans items! So come round and get something to thank all those wonderful people who are in your life, well, just for being there!
You buy a certificate that can be transfered and then that person can wear it (it attaches to the hud) click it and choose to recieve the no trans item. All fully automatic, no waiting about for me to get my act together!
The gift vendor is here at a corner of the store.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Bead Cascade
The last necklace you will ever need. A wealth of colour change options so you can design versions for every style from classy to casual. There are 1000s to find and when you get bored you can just randomly colour the whole thing. With copy permissions so you can save many different versions! The shop is here.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The 120-cell
There is a new installation next to the shop, the 120-cell. This is a glimpse at the shadow of a four dimensional figure. It is a beautiful piece of geometric sculpture. Please come along and take a look!
What is that thing?
According to Raven Lament it is the Hexa-Flexa-Tyrannosaurus, however this is a name that only the true cognoscenti would know. The shortest answer is that it is a beautiful geometric object. Feel free to stare at it, fly through it, rotate your camera round it, and hopefully enjoy it.
The short, technical answer is that it is the projection of the 120-cell from 4 dimensions to the 3 dimensional space given by one of its facets.
But for most people that simply raises more questions:
What does 4 dimensions mean? Will you start talking about shape shifting Lizards controlling earth?
What is projection?
What is the 120-cell?
These questions and more are answered in a notecard next to the sculpture. More importantly you can see the things itself here
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Cubic Rose
As promised I have been working on better ways to make chains, revising my differentiation and everything. This is the result and I have to say I am proud. As for the last piece the bead is just five cubes placed together so their vertices lie of the vertices of a dodecahedron (12-sided dice).
It is scripted to colour change, the chain can be Gold, Silver, Bronze or Ebony. The gems, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Jet, Gold, Silver or Bronze. So you have 28 different options to play with. You can buy all of them for just L$304.
It is scripted to colour change, the chain can be Gold, Silver, Bronze or Ebony. The gems, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Jet, Gold, Silver or Bronze. So you have 28 different options to play with. You can buy all of them for just L$304.
geometrica design,
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Retro 5 cubes
Jewellery is a new venture for me, I have been playing around with differentiation and 3d geometry and produced some awesome chains. This however is an early design. I showed it to some of you, some loved it, some hated it. I took all that in and then ignored it amd decided to try to sell it anyway because, well because I like it and its my shop!
The bead is the main thing, just five cubes. All their vertices lie on the vertices of a dodecaheron (for maths geeks) or a 12-sided dice (for rp geeks).
The bead is the main thing, just five cubes. All their vertices lie on the vertices of a dodecaheron (for maths geeks) or a 12-sided dice (for rp geeks).
geometrica design,
Multi-Coloured Wings
My 7-star wings now have a colour change version, so they can work with all your outfits. The same beautiful substitution designs. The same flexi and sensations features. These wings retail at L$376.
geometrica design,
Fractal tiling based wings.
Sensations compatible! The emotes are variable and get rauchier as your arousal increases. In fact there are over 200 expressions that these wings can produce. If you do not have sensations the arousal level can be set manually (though that takes away half the fun doesn't it?).
The design of these wings is based on substitution tilings, a beautiful mathematical structure. More importantly one that generates pretty images. They come in five varieties, the first four of which come with a matching halo, all five designs are L$276.
Angel: All white and innocent...we know you're still only acting pure :P
Blood: For all your Dogma / corrupted / S&M angel needs.
Dark: For the honest ones who admit that they will never be pure again.
Valentine: For that special person on that special day, or just the person you are with on an average day if you prefer.
Butterfly: Beautiful wings modelled on a monarch butterfly.
Why not Xcite? Unlike Sensations, Xcite does not allow access to the arousal level to its partners. A key feature of the scripts in these wings is therefore lost. At the moment I would rather not offer a semi-Xcite product. Xcite do not offer this information as a matter of policy so it is unlikely that these wings will ever work with Xcite.
The design of these wings is based on substitution tilings, a beautiful mathematical structure. More importantly one that generates pretty images. They come in five varieties, the first four of which come with a matching halo, all five designs are L$276.
Angel: All white and innocent...we know you're still only acting pure :P
Blood: For all your Dogma / corrupted / S&M angel needs.
Dark: For the honest ones who admit that they will never be pure again.
Valentine: For that special person on that special day, or just the person you are with on an average day if you prefer.
Butterfly: Beautiful wings modelled on a monarch butterfly.
Why not Xcite? Unlike Sensations, Xcite does not allow access to the arousal level to its partners. A key feature of the scripts in these wings is therefore lost. At the moment I would rather not offer a semi-Xcite product. Xcite do not offer this information as a matter of policy so it is unlikely that these wings will ever work with Xcite.
geometrica design,
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