Tuesday 26 June 2007

The 120-cell

There is a new installation next to the shop, the 120-cell. This is a glimpse at the shadow of a four dimensional figure. It is a beautiful piece of geometric sculpture. Please come along and take a look!

What is that thing?

According to Raven Lament it is the Hexa-Flexa-Tyrannosaurus, however this is a name that only the true cognoscenti would know. The shortest answer is that it is a beautiful geometric object. Feel free to stare at it, fly through it, rotate your camera round it, and hopefully enjoy it.

The short, technical answer is that it is the projection of the 120-cell from 4 dimensions to the 3 dimensional space given by one of its facets.

But for most people that simply raises more questions:

What does 4 dimensions mean? Will you start talking about shape shifting Lizards controlling earth?

What is projection?

What is the 120-cell?

These questions and more are answered in a notecard next to the sculpture. More importantly you can see the things itself here

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